Rotary Factory Karel Doing
As we speak about mechanical music, we might say something similar about Karel Doing s way of filming. His present work is taking Pierre Bastien s mechanical orchestra as material: music machines built with Meccano gears and pulleys, pickup motors and traditional music instruments. Beyond the subject however, Karel Doing s camera uses the same technics as Pierre Bastien s automatons: loops, spinning and repetitive patterns, reverse or palindromic constructions, alternate By the way, both visual and sound machines have the same purpose: they provide rhythms, a superposition of various rhythms that create an obsessive and hypnotic universe. As a counterpoint of the films, Pierre Bastien has developed a new series of machines. They are not playing on music instruments anymore, but on tools and daily life objects, like pliers, scissors, saw, letter scale. . Those machines together with Karel Doing s projectors, form a bizarre factory, that needs two workers or performers able to control, to engage