Primitive Desert Cookout: Meat with Bone Stew
Spring is an ideal time to explore the deserts and enjoy a proteinrich meal cooked in a primitive clay pot. Survival in the desert is easier at this time of year and Rufo was generous enough to share the meal with me. , primitivecooking, campfire, frictionfire, bowdrill, desertsurvival, rufo, cookout, wildernesssurvival Follow me on social media Instagram chadzuberofficial Facebook PrimalTendencies TikTok PrimalTendenciesSurvival If you want a good pair of all terrain adventure sandals then you can help support this channel by following this link to get your own Luna Sandals. These sandals have been my preferred footwear since 2014. (Note: I receive an affiliate commission from any sales derived from clicking on the link above) Music credit: Drums of the Deep by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. 0 license.