How will people travel in the future , The Economist
From flying cars to pods that travel at over 1, 000kph, revolutionary new ways to travel are being dreamed up by ambitious companies. But which pioneering visions are most likely to take off Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Hollywood movies have envisaged a future of hoverboards and flying cars these imaginary machines might not be too far from reality. By 2030 a quarter of shared passenger miles traveled on America s roads could be in selfdriving vehicles. It s believed eight out of ten people will be using Robotaxis in cities where available by 2035. There will also be more emphasis on sharing journeys. All this could reduce the number of cars on city streets by 60 percent, emissions by 80 percent, and road accidents by 90 percent. And then there are flying cars or more accurately passenger drones and helicopter hybrids. Uber is investing heavily in this technology. Los Angeles, Dallas, and some states in Australia could see test flights within a c