Gilels plays Beethoven Sonata no. 1 ( III)
1985 recording of Beethoven Sonata No. 5 in C minor, composed in 1796, dedicated to Countess Anna Margarete von Browne. PART I : Allegro molto e con brio PART II : Adagio molto PART III : Prestissimo Husband of the Countess, Count Johann Georg von BrowneCamus, was a nobleman of Irish ancestry in the Russian Imperial service in Vienna, who was Beethovens chief patron between 1797 and 1803. Beethoven had dedicated his three String Trios, op. 9, to the Count, to whom he was indebted in various ways. The story is such that, after his dedication of the Sonatas to the Countess, the Brownes gave Beethoven a gift of a riding horse, which he promptly forgot about. One of his more enterprising servants hired out the horse and it wasnt until Beethoven received a large bill for fodder that he curtailed the servants illicit entrepreneurial activities and got rid of the animal.