Ice Apple Benefits in Telugu, త ట మ జల ఆర గ య న క , Taati Munjalu benefits, PSLV TV NEWS
Ice Apple Benefits in Telugu, తట మజల ఆరగయనక, Taati Munjalu benefits, PSLV TV NEWS , ice, ,apple, ,taati, ,munjalu, ,palm fruit Ice apple (palm fruit) is a seasonal fruit of the sugar palm tree and is widely available during the sizzling summer. The fleshy fruit loaded with translucent, juicy fluid has excellent cooling properties. Ice apple is very similar to litchi fruit in texture and tastes like slightly sweet tender coconut. Seasonal fruits are great for ones health as they help get rid of the toxins and maintain the bodys natural temperature. One such fruit is munja, palmyra palm, or ice apple that is considered extremely beneficial, especially to beat the summer heat. Resembling lychee in texture and tender coconut in taste, munja is usually found in the southern parts of India where it is considered a musthave summer fruit. Besides being a natural