Biking 7000km Across Eastern Canada at 18 ( Part 1)
On March 8th, 2024 I left for a bike trip that would take across Eastern Canada when I was 18 years old. Leaving in Winter definitely added to it, but I got to meet so many great people, and see so many things that not many get to see. This is the first part of the trip, biking Winnipeg till Halifax. Music: Chasing Time Little Hero Life By Youth Clean Water Upon You Reflections Under The Waves This Is Our Home Corals on The Reefs Limitless Waiting and Hoping Life is Good Oh Darlin A Journey s Epilogue Rise Above by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. Beautiful Oblivion by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. Snowfall by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. There Was A Time by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. This To Shall Pass by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. ww