Kako Dobiti Crvena Jaja Obojana Lukom, How to Dye Red Eggs with Onion Skins
, recepti, soskuhinja, recipes Kako Dobiti Crvena Jaja Obojana Lukom, How to Dye Red Eggs with Onion Skins Uključite titlove i odaberite jezik kojeg želite koristiti s popisa Turn on subtitles and select the language you want to use from the list Sastojci, Ingredients 12 do 15 jaja 13 do 15 komada luka (sa žutom, svijetlijom opnom) 1800 mililitara vode 40+ mililitara vinskog octa biljno ulje Pogledajte video i ne zaboravite uključiti YouTube titlove za sastojke i količine 12 to 15 eggs 13 to 15 pieces of onion (with yellow, lighter membrane) 1800 milliliters of water 40+ milliliters of wine vinegar vegetable oil Watch the video and don t forget to turn on YouTube subtitles for ingredients and quantities SOS Facebook: SOS Instagram: SOS Blog: