Top Breasts Rio de Janeiro Carnaval Brazil, Age restricted, Unidos de Bangu, Samba Brasil Carnival
Join this channel to see membersonly videos Travel Guides Premium Videos 10 Discount Code: DORIN See lyrics here Samba School Unidos de Bangu see more info here (identified by Sonia Silva) Day 4 of 2020 Rio de Janeiro Carnaval Brazil Part 8 A superstorm delayed the Carnaval on day one, from 21 to 22:30 and it rained during some groups. It rains in Day 2, too Finally, the super talented and beautiful dancers did a wonderful show during heavy rain. Enjoy More videos from Rio Carnaval 2020 and 2019 on this playlist Ah Saudade ressoou o meu tambor Num pedaço de terra consagrado na memória Ôô eu sou um Griô Viaja o tempo nos rumores da história Nesse chã br, br,