The Moonlandingz The Sign of A Man
Listen to The Sign of A Man now: Directors: Jeanie Crystal jeaniecrystal Farry iwigertoods DOP: James Sharpe jamessharpestudio Producer: Alex Izzard alexizzarrd 1st AC + Gaffer: Tom Frimley tomfrimley Art Director + Stylist: Gus Sharpe gussharpe Editor: Peggy Sue Cranney peggyscranney Colourist: Tom Gibb tomgibb Makeup Artist: Yasmin Khan yasminkhanmakeup Makeup Assistant: Rafa Garcia Sanchez rafagarciasanchezmakeup Art Dept + Stylist Assistant: Irene Montemurro maurasappiloreborn Talent The Moonlandingz: themoonlandingz Lias Saoudi: liassaoudi Dancers Sam Dilkes: samdilkes Joshua Freeman: joshuasamuelfreeman Label Natàlia Pagès at Transgressive Records: itsoknatalia transgressivehq