Playing, Ring Fit Adventure on Nintendo Switch EPISODE 3
Powered by Restream Day3 of the new regimen. Woke up late. I m really trying to get started 3 hours earlier. Wagonfall Streak: 00 DAYS 6Meals Diet Streak: 00 DAYS Cold Shower Streak: 12 DAY Belly Size: 5857 INCHES Weight: LBS REGIMEN: 1Dynamic Stretch. 2Jog on Easy through all the stages I have finished in Adventure Mode. Putting it on Medium will let me go faster while saving time, because this part will keep taking longer. 3Break a record in a Minigame that I have finished in Adventure Mode. Breaking a record will give me a goal condition. 4Break a record in Quick Game Simple. 5Break a record in Rhythm Games. 6Send everyone a 500 rep gift in Multitask Mode. 7Adventure Mode at max difficulty level This will shorten the time it takes to complete Adventure Mode. 8Static Stretch. 9Take a Cold Shower. Sundays is Rest Day