Nia Archives So Tell Me
So Tell Me out now Connect with me here Lyrics: So Tell why I should choose to stay When u keep on treating me in this way I am Stuck in a game that I dont even to play So tell Why I should not just walk away I get so stuck inside my head This overthinking sends me west Obsess bout everything you said And what I could ve said instead Director: Dan Emmerson danemmerson Nia Archives Producer: Rowan Mackintosh King rowanmackintosh Prod Co: Somesuch somesuchandco Executive Producer: Maeva Demurger maevademurger Directors Rep: Andre Reid mrandrereid Production Manager: Keaton Williams KeatonPw DOP: Thom Neal thomneal 1st AC: Pete Wade nowthenpete 2nd AC: Jack Ainsworth jackobyrneainsworth Camera Trainee: Samad Kunle Gaffer: Riaz Ahmed thatguyriaz Lighting Trainee: Cristian Trujillo Celis Runner: Elo