Hardstyle Shuffling 2012 SAVAGE
Went for a quick rock to some new music, a BIG track at the moment is the one featured in this video, look up TranzLinquants TRACK : Klonez From the Ashes (TranzLinquants remix) TAGS : shuffling hardstyle reverse bass len we dance hard NR newcalste rockers LMFAO running man 2011 HD how to best dancing moves hat boy jarrad alalmbie sydney music qdance defqon cars loud new amazing magic slide DC break techno shuffle rocking melbourne old school how to running man new HD best compilation len wedancehard newcastle rockers brenton hiltzy pae sarah LMFAO party rock anthem every day im shuffling facebook twitter qdance scantraxx bass controll powerhouse jarrad peters hardstylestudio dance music australia NR GR german justin br, br,