Inspection at Donibristle Aerodrome (1920)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Royal Air Force troops inspected by Air Vice Marshal Sir Courtenay Vyvyan at RAF Donibristle Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Royal Air Force SCOTLAND: Inverkeithing: Donibristle Aerodrome: EXT SV Air Vice Marshal Vyvyan accompanied by officers walks through lines of men. Inspection by Air Vice Marshal C. Vyvan C. B. Donibristle Aerodrome Inverkeithing. SV Vyvyan shaking hands with individual members of the air force standing in line. LS men march past. LS Vyvyan standing with group of officers salutes colours. SV Vyvyan addressing force. LS men march past. SV Vyvyan standing with group of officers by colours. SV Vyvyan shaking hands with individual members of air force standing in line. SV Vyvyan walking through lines inspecting force (3 shots). LS force marches past. SV Vyvyan and other officers stepping out of car. SV