MAW Grand Slam 3
1. Garrisaon Creed (c) vs. Derek Stone (SDW Northern States Title Match) 2. Malia Hosaka vs. Alex Gracia 3. Ken Anderson vs. Rampage Santana 4. Leon Of The Wasteland vs. Joey Avalon vs. BJ Seestrom vs. Damien Graves vs. Cordoba vs. Jerry Uhlricher vs. Joey Alpha vs. Ken E. Dephynce vs. Raiga Of The Gale vs. Richard Powers vs. The Real Drago vs. X vs. Ying Moua (MAW Television Title GrandSlam Rumble Match (vakant)) 5. Blonde Force Trauma (Heather Monroe Ray Lyn) vs. The Wasteland War Party (Heidi Howitzer Max The Impaler) 6. Delilah Doom vs. Laynie Luck 7. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Paul Virk 8. Mazzerati vs. Missa Kate (Women Of Nations Cup Match) 9. Jerry Lawler vs. The System