Relax with Michael Myers, ASMR
Once again, you find yourself secured in a comfortable exam chair in one of the many Arkham Sanitarium treatment rooms. Funny, you didn t even realize you had a session planned for today. As you sit patiently waiting and wondering which doctor will be performing the (Arkham Sanitarium Method of Relaxation) session, you can t help but notice how unusually quiet it is. In fact, it s dead quiet. No passing footsteps in the hall outside the room. No murmuring of the sanitarium staff or other resident patients, and you can usually at least make out the Professor, Margaret, or Corvus among the voices, but you can t hear any of them. There are no announcements to be heard over the loud speaker, and not even the faintest hum of electricity. Its almost as if youre the only one there. Just as you start to wonder if something s wrong, that s when a new, yet strangely familiar face enters the room. This is partly based on viewer request. I should have done this back around