Under age National Socialist vs. Exit Counseling Workers Inside Finnish Deradicalization Program
In this recording an underage supporter of the Nordic Resistance Movement is talking to a group of deprogramming experts. The workers of Radinet deradicalization group are part of EUwide Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), an organization determined to combat the nationalist uprising that is happening against the elite s disastrous immigration policies. The boy in the video has been bullied by immigrant gangs outside and inside his school. He was expelled from school after having filmed evidence of the immigrants bullying him. Then the social workers directed the young boy to Radinet exitcounseling. Counseling workers: Esa Holappa a former national socialist who betrayed his comrades and married an asian girl Oussama Yousfin a racial stranger motivated to racemix Finns out of existence AnnSofie Nyström a heartbleeding immigrant worker and a globalist The boy s father