36 BOMB ARENA in TRIO ARENA (ft. 8 season)
Dropped a 36 Bomb in Trio Arena with over 25, 000 Points, carried zyabliqos kl1xsx Hope you enjoy this video, subscribe to my youtube channel, leave a like and comment down below SOCIALS insta fan page offical page vk twitch EDITOR Tags: how to edit like mango how to edit like mangofx how to add wings and monsterface how to use wings and monsterface premiere pro how to use wings and monsterface vegas pro neon overlays fortnite neon overlays premiere pro How to edit like lmgk How to edit like tmotty tmotty tmotty fortnite montage how to edit like tmotty vegas pro how to edit like tmotty premiere pro how to edit like lmgk premiere pro how to do mask transition in Editing tutorial in premiere pro. How to edit like numby and clerke in premiere pro. how to edit fortnite montage premiere pro fortnite montage how to edit like clerke