Harley Benton SC DLX Gotoh, , Review
I never thought i would like this kind of instrument. A review about a Les Paul guitar made by a Les Paul hater. The tune o matic bridge with that angle on the strings is horrible, change my mind. Have fun in the comment section 0:00 In the mix 1:25 Introduction 2:30 Disclaimer 2:40 Specs 3:30 Price 3:47 Signal Chain 4:12 Marshall JCM2000 Crunch 4:48 Jet City Jca50h Hi Gain Rhythm 5:57 Thoughts about the first sounds 6:46 My opinion about TESLA pickups 7:29 Orange Rockerverb Hi Gain Lead 8:06 Archetype Nolly Clean 8:43 Final Thoughts , harleybenton Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Facebook: