the librarians is ezekiel jones related to a god, avatar, patron saint of theives discuss
NOTES: The Patron Saint of Thieves is confirmed to be Santa s BROTHER. This makes him the same type of godly avatar entity they ve dealt with or discussed multiple times. And as Santa used to be Odin, perhaps the Patron Saint of Thieves used to be Loki The name Ezekiel literally means God strengths, The strength of God, while the name Jones is derived from a name that means Grace of God, God s Grace. So his name translates literally to God s Strength, God s Grace. As the other characters name s are heavily on the nose regarding their storylines and symbology, we know this isn t random. Cassandra is named after a cursed prophetess, Jacob Stone is named after Jacob, sone of Issac, as in Jacob s Stone from the Bible. Not to mention Eve Baird, the baby born on Christmas Eve. They aren t exactly subtle with the names, here, people. Many have noted Ezekiel is immune or only positively affected by magi