The End Of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Explained
Viewers can end up pretty confused by a film like One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. Did Mac s revolution actually make a difference What was Chief trying to accomplish Does Nurse Ratched represent women in the 1960s Here s some insight into the ending of the classic film. Billy Bibbit is a softspoken young man with thoughts of killing himself, but he doesn t choose to end his life all on his own. Nurse Ratched talks him into it. When Mac throws a party on the ward with two sex workers, he encourages Billy to make his move on Candy, in whom he d expressed interest during the boat trip. Candy, who s likely used to her clients treating her badly, seems genuinely flattered when Billy stutters out his compliments. Their excursion in the supply closet is clearly more than just a meaningless fling. That doesn t matter to Nurse Ratched. Ratched knows precisely what she s doing when she eviscerates the selfconfidence that Mac has been trying to bolster in the young man, making him feel shame for his actions. I