Do This To Watch Your Stubborn Chest Fat Burn Off
Say goodbye to stubborn chest fat with our effective chest workout routine In this video, we ll guide you through a series of targeted exercises designed to help you burn off that unwanted chest fat and reveal a more defined and sculpted chest. 0:15 Elbow Touches Press Ups 1:23 Underhand Circle Draws 2:30 Criss Cross Upper Chest Raises 3:38 Chest Flyes Press Ups 4:48 Elbow Closed Arms Pulses 5:56 Criss Cross Arms + Prayer Push 7:05 Arms Forward + Behind The Neck 8:14 Elbow Prayer Pushes + Circle Draws , ChestWorkout, FatLoss, FitnessJourney, HealthyHabits, WorkoutMotivation, SculptYourChest, ConfidenceBoost