thanks for watching :) send me an email if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission. submit a clip: videos used: guy stuck in swing dog on train woman jumps into lake guy with palm leaves cat upside down guy falls down pole into pool rooster tickle sausage fan bottle explodes swimming pool machine guy in helmet chair fail questionable workout routine horse stuck basketball fail (he was not injured) mouse hole cat stuck in blanket mop restroom car bumper falls off cup shelf breaks guy jumps into river handbrake car drives into back of truck broom breaks (she was not injured) car flips over guy falls out window (he was not injured) cat behind door engine start cat children mentos pepsi cooler spill escalator spiderman flashlight cat slaps dog bug spray paint cat slaps other cat hard bread (he was not injured) champagne on train chair guy spin concert barricade yelly animal pizza gonna go hard cat head scratch (outro)