If Youll be My Star
arghrhg, SO MANY MISTAKES SO MANY. But I ain t rendering it again, it took 3 hours and 30 minutes. EDIT : YOUTUBE WHYY WHY WON T YOU LET ME MAKE SPACES IN MY PARAGRAPHS ALJKSDFJLK This is why I should mask with my glasses on APPARENTLY I M BLIND. So I made another Ozlyss vid, cause I really like them :3 They re my OTP shot. I forgot to put text in the vid, so it s hard to know what s going on XD Here s the lame outofcharacter story I came up with : Alyss and Oz live in the abyss (just think of Oz as kinda like Cheshire, or as he was in plushie form, except he didn t have another body and he never left), and they re happy there. But the abyss is slowly becoming warped, so Alyss forces Oz to escape. When Oz gets to the other world, he sees Alice, and immediately forgets about Alyss (it s not on purpose though think of it like a spell). Alyss can see what Oz is doing in the other world, an