WATERCOLOR PAINTING, WINTER FOREST. How to paint snow and soft light
Enjoy and relax watching a time lapse of winter painting. In this video, you can see the process of painting a snow scene step by step from a white sheet to the last details. I start painting with the wetonwet technique, laying down the basic tonal relationships. Then I paint shadows and details already on a dry sheet. I found this landscape while walking in forest in Lithuania. I walked through deep snowdrifts through a rather dense forest and suddenly saw a deserted clearing with birches. The slanting rays of the sun fell on it, turning the birch branches into pinkishpeach. And in the background was the silhouette of a lone spruce. The glance moves along the snowdrifted dry bushes deep into the clearing. I was very attracted to this place, as if calling to go to the clearing. I hope you feel it too from the picture I would be glad if this video will be useful for both beginner watercolorists and just art lovers. Winter silence Artist Daria Chepurnaia