Karate Kid Dojo in Blender 2. 93 3 D Modeling Process
I was so excited, when I heard about a Cobra Kai TV show as Karate Kid was the movie I watched all the time as a kid. And I have to say it had everything I wanted from a sequel. So here s a little tribute for Miyagisan. Picture a tree. Make like picture. Download the Blender scene file on Patreon: Interested in making illustrations like this I made a course with a detailed explanation of my workflow and all the tricks. And you can use the SUSHIMASTER code at the checkout to get 40 off. Get yours here: Follow me on Instagram: for more 3D modeling and rendering process videos and low poly 3d illustration tutorials in Blender. Tracklist: Sundown Drive by Ghostrifter Official Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3. 0 Unported CC BYSA 3. 0 Free Download, Stream: