KISS THE BOYS ( Boy Kisser Rap Animation) Music and Animation By Youthfully Idiotic
WORST ANIMATION OF 2024 , boykisser, rap, thisshitisice Damn it took a WHILE 6 months and a little bit of brain damage. In the time it took, I got Wifey, turned 17, figured out Blender and grew out my dreads. This animation was absolutely daunting, and it only hurts knowing that I ll put even more effort in later animations. It feels like my brain juices just flopped out. Heavy thanks to the entire Thug Heaven server (formerly BoyKisser Heaven) The only reason I made this bullshit was because of you guys. Thug Heaven Bros: Random. Kalz Popslushy maltysamongys1557 Rafunir And last but also least LYRICS: UGH Come on now. MMF Come on with it. UGH Come on now. GAH IM ABOUT TO CUM Sit Back Bitch I know who you are Fucked in the ass. I ll ram like a car. Got my big dipstick with a tip topped with some lips. Now