Har Zamana Mere Hussain( AS)
Methods of producing light in your Heart 1. The first method for producing light. Write Allah on a paper in black ink, and do this exercise for as long as you wish on a daily basis. Soon thereafter, the Word Allah will be transported from the paper and hover over the eyes. Then with onepointed concentration, attempt to transport the word from the eyes to the heart. 2. The second method for producing light. Write Allah on a zero watt bulb, in yellow. Whilst you are awake or just before sleep, concentrate and try to absorb it into the eyes. When it appears on the eyes then try to transport it to the heart. 3. The third method for producing light. This method is for those people who have perfect spiritual guides and teachers and who due to their spiritual connection are spiritually assisted by them. For more detail visit or visit and for videos visit HH rags or ASI solidtrust5 or visit