Universal Studios Monsters 1944 The Mummys Ghost
The third in the Kharis series, Universals The Mummys Ghost was released on the 7th of July, 1944, and provided Junior Chaneys second outing under wraps. Despite slipshod and inconsistent scripting by Griffin Jay, Henry Sucher and Brenda Weisberg, first time horror director Reginald LeBorg managed to turn out one of the studios most impressive sequels, and The Mummys Ghost stands apart from its two Chaney stablemates as probably the most credible entry into what was becoming a slightly jaded genre. Undoubtedly, one of the main reasons for the films competence is the investment of some pathos in the Mummy himself, a quality which Chaney applies with skill and sensitivity. Rather than Tom Tylers marvellous but mindless, murderous thug of The Mummys Hand (1940) and the psychopathic fiend Chaney delivered for The Mummys Tomb (1942), Kharis, although still brutally dispatching four victims, shows a more noble, lovelorn side when he discovers the mummy of Princess Ananka at the Mapleton Museum. The rel