Skin Cancer Hazard to Oil Refinery Workers in the 1940s, Standard Oil, 1954
This clip is from the 1954 film, Medical Service for Industry, produced by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. The 26minute film describes the corporation s approach to companyprovided medical services for employees in its hundreds of locations around the world. This clip shows the research and action after the company learned that some petroleum oils, from their new fluid catalytic cracking process, caused cancer when applied to the skin of mice. In this clip, Standard Oil ends by explaining that measures for minimizing worker exposure to carcinogenic oils have been implemented. However, that was not the end of this story. The following is taken from the 1974 article Oil Refineries by Rick Engler in the HEALTH, PAC Bulletin published by the Health Policy Advisory Center No. 61 November, December 1974 and available at . Rick Engler is a past Board member of the U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (2015