Floods In Maidenhead (1946)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unknown, unclear. Maidenhead, Berkshire. Heavy rain has caused the River Thames to overflow in many places. A woman wearing rubber leggings lifts her skirt above them as she wades through her flooded garden to collect some eggs from a marooned hen in a hen house. Shot of the hen sitting on an upturned chair in the water; the woman picks it up. General view of the swollen river with a Danger sign strung across it. Cars and buses driving along a flooded road. C, U of signs reading Police Notice Try Your Brakes After Leaving Water and Police Notice Road Flooded To A Depth of 12 Inches. General view of a road that looks like a river. A woman comes out of her house and steps into the road, wading along through the water in her wellies. A woman picks up a milk bottle from her flooded bottom step. A man walks over a makeshift bridge, ramp to get to his terraced house. A horse and cart driving along a road. Brief M, S of sign p