COLUMBARIUM Eyes Bleed Black (official video), ,, ARGONAUTA Records
Columbarium Eyes Bleed Black (Official video), Argonauta Records OUT NOW on all streaming platforms: Eyes Bleed Black is the first single from the full album The Morbidious One to be released early Autumn 2023 through Argonauta Records. Eyes Bleed Black was conceived of the honorable memory of Ingrid Grietje Delrue, In Memoriam. INFO: Music Lyrics by Columbarium Guest Vocals by Tabasco Esmee Recorded by Columbarium Musick Produced, Mixed Mastered by Lander Cluyse Hearse Studio, Heule, Be Video recorded by Steven Secember Fotografie and Columbarium Video Produced by Marc Vangheluwe, Columbarium Ultra Organic Studio Cover Design by Vladimir Chebakov (Rights owned exclusively by Col