Brandy Bopper with Guest Host Jeff Morgenthaler (1977) on Sandwiches of History
Todays guest host, Jeff Morgenthaler, is a world renown cocktail expert fromPacific Standard in Portland, creator ofNinkasi Canned Cocktails, and author ofThe Bar BookandDrinking Distilled. So when he said I got to choose what sandwich he was to make, naturally I dipped into Ken Dodds Butty Book of 1977 as it has several sandwich recipes that involve booze. Woot Get the free weekly recap email every Friday afternoon. Ratings, plus ups, news, and more Get sneak peeks, exclusive vids, merch, and monthly livestreams, and more Join Club Sandwich on Patreon Plus 10 of all membership fees are donated to organizations that fight hunger and food insecurity. Its winwinwin Merch Sandwiches of History hoodies, tshirts, beanies, and more , BrandBopper, JeffMorgenthaler, PacificStandard, TheBarBook, DrinkingDistilled, NinkasiCannedCocktails, oddsandwiches, inthechipswithbarry, sandwichesofhistory, historicsandwiches, oldsandwiches, oldrecipes, sandwichesofyoutube, sandwichesofourhistory, KenDoddsButtyBook, 1977