Voices of birds in the spring forest. Sounds of nature and forest for relaxation and sleep
Beautiful spring nature in a deciduous forest. Gentle songs and sounds of nature, the voices of forest birds and the sounds of buzzing insects are heard, sometimes a light wind sounds. Pleasant spring atmosphere in the forest, everything is green and growing. Juicy grasses and leaves on trees are filled with vital juice. Forest roads and paths attract the traveler, as if telling a person to take a walk in the forest, listen to the birds, listen to the sounds of the forest, how the trees creak, how the wind roars, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the white noise of beautiful spring nature. The background sounds of the forest have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve tension, and restore strength. In the noise of cities, with the transience of days, sometimes you really want peace and solitude in order to collect your thoughts and be with yourself. Such videos with beautiful landscapes and views of nature and forests help me to fill up with a creative state, inspiration. Allow yourself