Hold On. : Beauty and the Beast
So, I have upgraded to some new editing software which also means that I basically relearning a whole to program so I apologize in advance on the simple editing here. Plus any weird mistakes as well as the fact that one movie is full screen and the other is wide screen. I m still trying to figure out this program. Now, I LOVED the new Beauty and the Beast movie It was amazing and pretty much held true to the original animation. Even if the animation will always be the best this new movie is truly amazing. Emma Watson was a perfect fit for Belle. Dan played the Beast well and even Luke Evans did a fantastic job in bringing a crazy Gaston to life (Plus it makes him even more drool worthy lol). They picked the right cast to play each part to perfection. Now, I had to do a little something for this movie. I loved it so much. This video is just a simple, and I mean really simple tribute to the new movie and the animation. I hope you all enjoy