Food Summit 2022 Ignite Presentation: Palouse Bands Land Story Carrie Jim Schuster Ione Jones
2022 Virtual Food Summit Food for All: Scaling Up Local Food Production on the Palouse Palouse Band s Principles of Cultural Environmental Sustainability and Land Story Presenters: AYATOOTONMI, Carrie Jim Schuster and ILLLAWALLALITZTUNMI, Ione I. Jones AYATOOTONMI Carrie Jim Chapman was born into a highly spiritual family. She arrived during a ceremony central to the belief system of her people, and she grew up in the spiritual beliefs of Snake River Palouse Indians. In many ways, Carries life also has been a ceremony that has made her a strong Snake RiverPalouse women. Her story is intimately tied to women and their history of women within the Plateau Indian communities. Women taught Carrie proper behavior in accordance with the spiritual philosophy of támanwit. Carries autobiography emphasizes the role of girls and women within her community. In fact, Carries family associated with many indigenous people and tribes that shared their belief in following the pre