TRAIN VS. DANCE Easy Family Workout, Merry Christmas, Ed Sheeran Elton John
Team Dennis or Team Pamela Choose wisely This is a Family Edition Workout, that is easy enough for all your family members to join, Anzeige . He did simply not have a choice this year, Dennis HAD to join again :D We cannot wait to see all your stories on Instagram, dancing this choreo and having fun We hope you have a wonderful Christmas time Team Dennis: To cool to dance No problem, do a 3min Full Body Workout with Squats, Planks, Push Ups Co Team Pam: Loosen up your hips and join me for a fun Christas Dance What is your choice Comment below my Pam App Free workout plans (8 versions), lot of recipes tips: 3 of those FREE WORKOUT PLANS are on my Instagram Channel. 30min, 45min and Beginner Friendly. Check out the Highlight Bubble Workout Plans for that. Instagram Food Account use, PamelaReif if you want me to see your workout pics and videos