How Elites Are Building and Pushing A Digital Prison, Whitney Webb
Whitney Webb, a writer and researcher, sheds light on who the people at the top are that are pulling the strings and setting policies that push us into a digital prison. She goes in depth about the intelligence community, the banking system, and the ties between Jamie Dimon and Jeffrey Epstein. The conversation covers a variety of intriguing topics, including the distraction of culture wars, how the banking crises are being used to push us into a system of control, and how everything leads us to the exact same place So let s go. Whitney Webb Twitter: whitneywebb Unlimited Hangout Link: Whitney Webb Podcast: BITCOIN 2023 CONFERENCE TIX Link: : USE Code MARKMOSS for 10 off tickets The world we are going into is not the world we are leaving behind, need a guide Here s How to Work With ME