É LÉ GIE ( FX exercice Bachelor of Arts in Character Animation and Animated Filmmaking)
A young ballerina rehearses with her teacher. In her quest for perfection, she tries to surpass her physical limits. Une jeune ballerine répète avec sa professeure. En quête de perfection, elle tente de dépasser ses limites physiques. . This film was made by 3rd year students from Bachelor of Arts in Character Animation and Animated Filmmaking in GOBELINS, as part of a pedagogical exercise using special effects, on the subject: SPORTS. Directors: Odelia LAINE, Esther LEGIDO, Andréa MARTINEZ, Alissende MASSON, Hugo MICHALET, Arthur WONG. Music: Gabriel FAURE, Elégie ; Sound design mixing: Chadoh DICK, Séverin MAGGUILLI from Louis Lumière.