T 1000 frozen bust lifesize 1:1
we have done this as a commission for one of our regular viewers who is a huge terminator fan, we don t normally do commissions but when he showed us what he wanted we got on board pretty quickly This was a nightmare to do for two reasons, 1 doing a frost effect at this scale is really hard and 2 the STL we had was cut up by a toddler with a bread knife, i think you will agree after we overcame that this came out amazing, we have some big plans for the new year but this, but this wouldn t of been possible without a machine like the starfield smashing out prints The channel wouldn t be possible without sponsors like PCBWay go check them out and show the love follow us on tiktok follow us on instagram join our facebook group Why not try printing our Mini badger, dont forget to post your results you can tag us on Instagram honeybadgerprintandpaint Resin we used was Aceaddity 8k resin