CHRSTPHR x Chris Lawyer Diamond ( Official Music Video)
Stream or Download CHRSTPHR x Chris Lawyer Diamond: Producer: Krisztián KatonaSebők András Selmeczi 1st AC: Benedek Matyovszky Model: Zsófia Balog Model Assistant: Kristóf Leczki MUA: Brigitta Mikes Gaffer: György Lencz Gaffer Assistant: Dániel Iszák Driver: Erik Kovács Pyrotechnician: Selim Cilingir Editing, VFX: András Selmeczi Colorist: Benedek Matyovszky Werk: Bertalan Balla Music: CHRSTPHR, Chris Lawyer Mix Master: CHRSTPHR Follow CHRIS LAWYER Facebook Instagram SoundCloud TikTok And sign up to Chris newsletter