A Gallant Enterprise (1952)
Falmouth, Cornwall. Titles Pathe Presents the last moments of the drama of the Flying Enterprise The End of a Sea Saga that held the world LV Tug carrying Captain Kurt Carlsen and Mr. Kenneth Dancy into Prince of Wales Pier, Falmouth. GV Pan Landing stage decked with bunting and crowds waiting. SV Carlsen parents (Martin and Karin) waiting. SV. Tug Portwey nears landing stage. SV. Carlsen s Mother, Karin waving. MV Tug alongside and Carlsen steps ashore. SV. B, V Crowd. SV MV Carlsen and Dancy with relatives and reception committee headed by Mayor, Councillor Morris walking along pier. SV. Carlsen following by Dancy walking through gate towards rostrum. MV. Party arrive at rostrum, SCU A, S Carlsen holding flowers, with Dancy. SV. Mayor at mike introduced Dancy (FOR LEAD IN). CU Dancy walking to mike says. NATURAL SOUND: Well, I m afraid I am really too overwhelmed to say very much, but I must express my great admiration for Captain Carlsen and Captain Parker and all hands of the tu