Do NOT Allow Them to Inject Your Children , Bio Tech Analyst Issues Chilling Warning
Well, you obviously knew it wasnt going to stop with the dangerous injections being called Covid19 vaccines, no matter how many boosters they try to push out. They say the mRNA technology in these shots could be used to create vaccines for diseases that never had them before. Diseases like cancer, HIV, you name it. And once those vaccines exist, mandates are sure to come in their wake, even though were still finding out new things almost every day about this deadly concoction that theyre still trying to force into every arm they can find, willing or unwilling. Karen Kingston is a pharmaceutical and medical device analyst. She knows how the FDA process works, and the FDA process that was used for the supposedly newlyapproved Pfizer vaccine disturbs her. Right now, you and everybody else can read the FDAs approval letter and supplemental materials online. Thats your right as a U. S. citizen. But you cant read everything in the letters. A lot of read full descr here: