K POP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE TXT(투모로우바이투게더)세계가 불타버린 밤, 우린( Can t You See Me )dance cover by DESTINIES
Hi We are destinies This is our first such difficult dance, we tried very hard and trained a lot. With this dance, we went to ASIA CON 2023, where we took first place and received the Grand Prix It was a huge joy for us and a huge push forward. We will try even harder to show the highest result Thanks for watching Members: Taehyun Diana Beomgyu Angelina Huening Kai Sonya Yeonjun Sonya Soobin Katya Our social media: INST: TikTok: Telegram: t. me, destiniescdt Videographer , TXT, CANTYOUSEEME, KPOPCOVERDANCE, KPOPINPUBLIC, destinies