Love is Colder Than Death Very I ll
The entire poem, William Blake William Bond : I wonder whether the Girls are mad And I wonder whether they mean to kill And I wonder if William Bond will die For assuredly he is very ill He went to Church in a May morning Attended by Fairies one two three But the Angels of Providence drove them away And he returnd home in Misery He went not out to the Field nor Fold He went not out to the Village nor Town But he came home in a black black cloud And took to his Bed there lay down And an Angel of Providence at his Feet And an Angel of Providence at his Head And in the midst a Black Black Cloud And in the midst the Sick Man on his Bed And on his Right hand was Mary Green And on his Left hand was his Sister Jane And their tears fell thro the black black Cloud To drive away the sick mans pain O William if thou dost another Love Dost another Love better than poor Mary Go take that other to be