8 YR OLD DELIVERS BABY HOME ALONE IN POOL, Unassisted Birth 42+2 Weeks
Musicbed SyncID: MB01RNCQGVSTPJM HomeBirthing, Breastfeeding Raising 8 Instagram lucyeades08 Instagram TheEadesFamily Collab: WiBargain w, 20 off code: EADESFAMILY Birth Affirmations: Moses Basket Stand: The sweet arrival of Baby, 8, Sutton, finally made his arrival after 42+2 weeks of gestation (my longest ever, whew ) the early morning of May 17, 2021. His other siblings spontaneously arrived at: 37+5 37+3 37+6 41+3 40+0 40+3 42+1 now him at 42+2 His other siblings were: 7lbs 0oz 7lbs 2oz 7lbs 14oz 8lbs 6oz 7lbs 8oz 8lbs 8oz 9lbs now him at 7lbs What is an unassisted or freebirth Its a birth that without a medical attendant