Lucky in ASL ( DUET )
Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, expressed in American Sign Language. My partner is Aaron. You can find him at ALSO Add yourself as a FAN on my Facebook Fan Page (or search Ally ASL ) All lyrics and music are property and copyright of their owners. I am not the owner, nor do I take any credit. Lyrics: Do you hear me, I m talking to you Across the water across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky oh my, baby I m trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard I m lucky I m in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Oooohhhhoohhhhohhooohhooohhooohoooh They don t know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time we say goodbye I wish w br, br,