Clo Zee Envision 2017 ( Mix) Global Bass, Tribal Trap, World EDM
Find Us Across Platforms: . Welcoming back the warrioress known as CloZee to Shivelight, we invite you to take a trip around the world in 80 minutes as ethnofusion music s shieldmaiden guides you through her bioformed terrains of organic bliss, epiphanic climate and melodic rainfall. Originally intended as her offering at Costa Rica s Envision gathering, this mix features a number of new n classic CloZee tracks, unreleased remixes for and by her, as well as some of CloZee s favorite picks. An extra shoutout to Simon Haiduk for the incredible pulsating artwork to aid us in visualising this journey. Free Download: Follow the white rabbit Artwork: Dream Glade Metta by Simon Haiduk Animation: David Letelier and Simon Haiduk