KPOP IN PUBLIC UKRAINE TXT (투모로우바이투게더) Good Boy Gone Bad Dance Cover by DEERS ONE TAKE
, GOODBOYGONEBAD, TOMORROWXTOGETHER, kpopinpublic Unexpectedly we decided to dance one of TXT latest choreos. We ll be honest with you it was not so easy since we dance mostly girl group choreos but it still was fun to learn something new You can support us with a comment and like, also you can stay with us and subscribe you know; ) And don t forget to support our country as well. ,staywithukraine BUR Youth volunteer organization helping needy residents of Ukraine. Link for donations and more information: STARRING : Yeonjun Yosana, IG yosanaloveyou Beomgyu Nasu, IG anasterysblack Taehyun Tata, IG tatadrs Hueningkai Cherry, IG rainbowskyy Soobin Nuna, IG marineskaska Film Bacon, IG djokilogurda Edit Rina, IG uncrndpr All rights belongs to their respective owners.