A. Vivaldi: RV 555, Concerto con molti istromenti in C major, Ensemble Matheus
VENETIAN BAROQUE Antonio Vivaldi Concerto for three violins, oboe, two recorders, two violette inglesi, chalumeau, two violoncellos, two harpsichords, strings and basso continuo in C major (RV 555) I. Allegro II. Largo e spiccato III. Allegro with two natural trumpets JeanChristophe Spinosi (violin I) Alain Viaud (violin II) Laurence Paugam (violin III) Yann Miriel (oboe) Sébastien Marq (recorder I) Pierre Boragno (recoder II) Isabelle Quellier (violetta inglese I) Kaori Uemure (violetta inglese II) Gilles Thomé (chalumeau) Philippe Foulon (violoncello I) JeanChristophe Marq (violoncello II) Hélène ClercMurgier (harpsichord I) Christian Riché (harpsichord II) JeanLuc Machicot (natural trumpet I) René Maze (natural trumpet II) Ensemble Matheus, JeanChristophe Spinosi (conductor)