learning kung fu at home, lesson 1, step by step
learning kung fu at home, lesson 1, step by step this video is about how to learning kung fu at home or in asmall place. the learning kung fu at home, lesson 1, to show you the hands techniques of kung fu. ans the intention behind the each kung fu movements. sifu jj said not just apply a movement. always apply movements with your intention, either for self defense or attack. many people cannot do regular activities at this moment in life. and if you want learning kung fu, but no big space, thats no problem. sifu jj create the most useful system for you learning kung fu at home or at a small space. sifu jj have so many years teaching kung fu experience. sifu jj will lead you step by step to achieve real kung fu at home. he assume the cameral is real people behind, and want to learning the real kung fu, but stock by the corona virus. lets stay positive and stay home to training kung fu. playlist learning Kung fu